Bethany’s Rating:
Well, well, well A.J. this cock, these pictures, it’s everything I really hate getting in my email. Like, oh look a request for a cock review. Aaaaand Boom here is a dick, that barely shows up on the tape measure. Fucking fuck. So look, your pictures are fairly creepy, luckily for our site visitors, we have to crop out faces for legal reasons. You know the funny thing is, you have a nice body, how many times has a woman been all into you and that tight body and then they pull off your pants and that cock makes them run really fucking fast? So I’ve been watching Dahmer on Netflix this week, and there are weird similarities to what you have here. I don’t know what Dahmer’s cock looked like, but even for a psycho like he was, he still probably had a bigger cock than you. Seriously, you are a creep with a dick that nearly no women will be interested in. I mean you put the phrase, “just the tip” to work! I am curious why you get that locked up? You’re a sissy aren’t you? Have you found a dominatrix that will give you attention and give your little guy some arousal? This cock is well less than a handful. Ew.
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